Matches mentions from a specific country. continent: must be lowercase.įinds mentions of "apple juice" that have been identified as originating from Europe. Matches mentions from a specific continent. Location-related search operators Operator

Where location is unavailable, the location defaults to the country where the site domain is registered. Note: For the region: and city: location operators, not all mentions contain granular location metadata. See this XLSX spreadsheet for a complete list of location codes. The following table lists the operators you can use to filter mentions by location. Ignores the text inside the angle brackets. Indicates the text inside the angle brackets is not part of the search (for example, a comment after a section of the query). Use the NOT operator to exclude specific accented words (for example, Nino NOT Niño).įinds mentions that contain the accented spelling of the word "niño" (but not, for example, nino). Searches with non-accented terms match on accented and non-accented spelling of the specified term. Matches mentions that contain the accented spelling of the term. If you place the "*" at the end of a term, the search finds variations of the root term.įinds mentions that contain variants of the root term (for example, educate, educated, education, and so on). Matches mentions that contain the term, with any number of characters where the "*" appears. Matches mentions that contain the term, with any letter where the "?" appears, to accommodate for spelling variations.įinds mentions that contain any variation of the word customize (for example, customize and customise). If you specify a word with more than five characters, the query finds mentions with any upper or lower case spelling of the word.įinds mentions where “BT” appears in uppercase (not “bt” or “Bt”). Indicates that the specified term is case-sensitive, and only works for words with five characters or less. Place the tilde after a phrase in quotation marks, followed immediately by a number.įinds mentions of the phrase "apple juice" and mentions where "apple" and "juice" appear within at most five words of each other (for example, "This drink was made with fresh apple, orange and pear juice"). Terms must appear in the order specified. Indicates how close the specified terms need to be to each other for a match. (apple OR orange) NEAR/5 (smartphone OR phone)įinds mentions of "apple" or "orange" that occur within five words of "smartphone or "phone". This operator is available for saved searches only. Indicates the number of words that can separate the specified terms for a match. Groups terms together so that a single operator can be applied to everything in the brackets.įinds mentions that contain "apple" and "juice" on the same page, or mentions that contain "apple" and "sauce" on the same page. NOT must be uppercase.įinds mentions of "apple", as long as "juice" is not mentioned on the same page. Matches mentions that do not include the specified term. OR must be uppercase.įinds mentions that contain "apple" or "juice".

Matches mentions that include at least one of the specified terms. Mentions with only one of these terms are excluded. AND must be uppercase.įinds mentions that contain "apple" and "juice" on the same page. Matches mentions that include both specified terms. Content-related search operators Operatorįinds mentions that contain the exact phrase "apple juice". The following table lists the operators you can use to filter mentions based on keywords and content.